Take card and credential benefits to the next level

Visa Transaction Controls 

Transform your mobile app into a financial command and control center with Visa Transaction Controls. Enable cardholders to place their own rules on a card's use and determine when to be notified. 

Subscription Manager 

Give cardholders the power to easily identify, stop/pause and manage recurring payments. With Visa Subscription Management Solutions, issuers can help cardholders cut through the complexity—driving stronger relationships and top-of-wallet status.

Flexible credentials

One card to rule them all. Debit or credit? No problem. Flex between funding sources from one credential—powered by Visa Flex Credential.

Card Linked Offers

Engage with customers in a targeted and meaningful way while promoting new products and features that can boost transaction rates and conversion.

Global Customer Assistant Services

Visa GCAS supports emergency services requests from Visa issuers through multiple channels including: phone, secured email and the Visa Emergency Services (VES) application. 

Visa Benefits Management Platform

Turnkey solution enabling issuers to build a superior value proposition for their cardholders. Flexible configuration of eligibility rules, real time eligibility checks and different redemption mechanics including promo codes. 

Visa Travel Notification Service

With Visa Travel Notification Service, Visa informs you whether your cardholder is transacting during the travel dates and at the travel destination they reported, helping you more confidently approve transactions when your cardholders make purchases while traveling.

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Learn how you can deliver next-gen digital experiences for your customers.